Vane Gallery

The gallery is open to the public 12pm to 5pm, Wednesday to Saturday during exhibitions.


Vane represents the work of a number of artists, both from across the UK and internationally, as well as showing the work of invited artists in collaboration with other galleries.

Vane was founded in 1997 in Newcastle upon Tyne in the North East of England. There are three phases to the history of Vane’s activities.

The first consisted of four large-scale annual events acting as an umbrella for a number of diverse exhibitions across the city of Newcastle and the surrounding region (1997-2000). The second was a series of curated exhibitions, often involving working with invited national and international partner curators or galleries (2002-03). The third phase was the opening of a permanent gallery space in Newcastle city centre in 2005.

The gallery directors are Paul Stone and Christopher Yeats.

First Floor
Commercial Union House
39 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle upon Tyne



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