Posted on June 28th 2022 by Whats on Northeast

On Thursday, 30 June, the Seventeen Nineteen cultural, heritage and events space, within the former Holy Trinity Parish Church in the city’s east end, will unveil its Hidden Stories.
And, along with viewing everything from arts and crafts to time capsules, visitors will be able to listen to audio dramas and live music, all reflecting the 18th century building’s rich history.
Over the past three months, nine local community groups and schools visited Seventeen Nineteen and met regularly with local artists and musicians to delve into the rich heritage of Old Sunderland.
Participants uncovered hidden stories and worked collaboratively with the artists and musicians to create musical, audio and visual artistic responses to what they found.
Sunderland Youth Orchestra, a group of young people, their carers and guardians, who make music together, looked at the church’s bells and made an accompanying video, Sunderland MIND youth drama group created an audio drama, while students at Barbara Priestman Academy created a piece of music inspired by an old, locked chest in the vestry.
Creative Age artists made buttons inspired by a Russian military button found in the church during its recent multi-million pound renovation and a football ship is also on display, made by Valley Road students inspired by Sunderland’s maritime history.
Pupils from Grangetown Primary School put together time capsules, while Sunderland College Digital Media students have compiled story boxes, which will also be on display to visitors, along with a flower show from Sunderland Floral Art Club and Herrington Flower Club.
“The exhibition is going to take over the whole church,” said Centre Manager Tracey Mienie.
“There will be something to find and see in every room, with creative guides on hand to give more information. We’ll have a silent disco to share the music made and a number of interesting objects for visitors to handle.”
The free event will take place between 3.30pm and 7pm and is a partnership between Sunderland Music Hub, Seventeen Nineteen, MishMash Productions and communities across Sunderland and the East End.
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